Phone: 416-912-7087


Aileen Yu

M.Div., Clinical Counsellor, Registered Psychotherapist
(NIHB Registration)

Pronouns: She/Her

Mandarin services

Registered Psychotherapist, Associate

Availability: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday

Virtual sessions

Individuals, Couples, Families

Fee: $I80
Sliding scale: $140-170

I’m here to walk this journey with you. As a skilled and compassionate therapist with over 10 years of experience, I specialize in providing tailored, effective care for couples, individuals, and families. My mission is to build trust and connect with clients on a deep level, whether in English or Mandarin, to create a safe and supportive environment for healing. I’m dedicated to understanding your unique needs and delivering personalized therapeutic plans that truly make a difference. Let’s work together to build the life you envision, one step at a time.

Focus Areas: Experienced in working with the full life span, from children to seniors, for issues including anxiety, attachment injuries, depression, emotional regulation, identity, interpersonal relationships, major life transitions, parenting, and self-acceptance. I incorporate several modalities into my practice including Family System, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Narrative Therapy, and Solution-Focused.

Discover the power of authentic human connection within your therapy journey, with a compassionate psychotherapist who combines deep insight into human nature with the resilience of a wounded healer. Let’s work together to cultivate strength and healing, embracing the journey toward a more fulfilling life.

I am registered with Non-Insured Health Benefits for mental health services for registered First Nations & Inuit people.


我在這裡與你一起走過這段旅程。作為一位具有超過 10 年經驗的專業和富有同情心的心理治療師,我專注於為個人、伴侶和家庭提供量身定制且有效的照護。我的使命是建立信任,與來訪者建立深層的聯繫,無論是用英文還是中文,為治癒創造一個安全和支持的環境。我致力於理解你的獨特需求,並提供真正有所作為的個性化治療計劃。讓我們一起努力,一步步建設你所嚮往的生活。


擁有豐富經驗,與兒童、青少年、成人、伴侶和家庭合作。通過協作和有效的方法,解決焦慮、依附傷害、抑鬱、情緒調節、身份認同、人際關係、重大生活轉變、育兒、自我接納等問題。我將多種治療方法融入實踐中,包括家庭系統治療、情感聚焦治療 (EFT)、認知行為療法 (CBT)、辯證行為療法 (DBT)、接納與承諾療法 (ACT)、敘事療法和解決方案導向療法。

我是 Aileen Yu,加拿大安省註冊心理諮商師,如有心理健康方面的需求,請與我聯繫。
