Discover Kutana Wema: Transforming Lives with Compassion

By: Barbara Brown, RP, BSc Hon, MTS Redbird Therapy is thrilled to be co-leading the annual Kutana Wema program, in collaboration with the Wema Centre in Mombasa, Kenya. The Wema Centre rescues, rehabilitates and reintegrates street connected children. As a grassroots Non-Government Organization (NGO) they have been providing holistic care since 1993, focusing on empowering […]

Get to Know Your Blood Markers

By: Redbird Therapy & Cristina Tahoces, Registered Natural Nutritional Consultant Practitioner  Redbird Therapy is thrilled to be partnering with Cristina Tahoces, Nutritionist, to bring you an incredible webinar about perimenopause – the up’s and down’s both in mental and physical health. Cristina will be presenting her “Get to Know Your Blood Markers” Workshop and I […]

When You Lose the One You Love – Pet Loss

By: Myroslava Tyzkyj, RP & Registered Veterinary Technician  There was a time when animals played strictly a functional role in our lives. They carried supplies, pulled equipment, guarded property or kept rodents at bay. The relationship was transactional more than emotional. While this is still the case in many places, the role of animals in […]

Riding the Waves of Grief: Understanding the Dual Process Model

By: Jonathan Morgan, RP(Q), BA Hon, MPS   To have loved another means that we feel the pain of their absence when they die. It is because we loved that we suffer. This may seem apparent, but I find it is helpful to remember when we find ourselves navigating the swamplands of grief. To love […]

A Fashionable Partnership

By: Malgosia Wenderski, MEd Counselling Psychology Candidate, BSc   I invite you to think about words related to mental health. What’s coming to your mind right now? You may find these words floating in your thoughts: “exercise”, “self-care”, “eating well”, “baths” or “colouring books”. But what about fashion? Clothing? Accessories? Shoes? A connection between fashion […]

Dismissing Unrealistic Body Standards

By: Ann Rogerson, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)   Welcome to the fourth and final blog of the positive body image series, we’re glad you’re here! Today we’re jumping into the last component of positive body image as described by Avalos et al., (2005) and Menzel & Levine (2011), being aware of and dismissing unrealistic body standards. […]

Listening to the Body

By: Ann Rogerson, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)   Welcome back! We’re in the third blog of the “positive body image” series and we’re jumping into the second component of positive body image: Understanding the needs of your body and attending to them. If you’ve missed the first component of positive body image, feel free to check […]

What Is My Body Capable Of?

By: Ann Rogerson, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)   Welcome to the second blog in our series on cultivating a positive body image. Today we’re exploring the first component of positive body image – acceptance and appreciation of the body. I know what you’re thinking, “easier said than done”. And you’re right! It is difficult to change […]

Body Image Basics

By: Ann Rogerson, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) “Beach body ready” the caption reads as I scroll through social media. Seems the body based captions have once again emerged from their winter slumber. Am I beach body ready? I think. Wait. Was I influenced that easily? The answer is yes, and if you’re reading this, maybe you […]

How To Recognize Your Perfectionistic Tendencies

Perfectionism Steps

By: Nic Cadman, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying) What comes to mind when I ask you to imagine a perfectionist? Some of us may think of ourselves or people in our lives. Others may picture cultural prototypes of perfectionists – the busy CEOs, star athletes or successful artists. In truth, perfectionists can vary widely, grouped together by […]